Sunday, 27 May 2018

Post purchase confirmation journal with ordered quantity excluding canceled line.

I got a business requirement to post only ordered line quantity and the canceled line shouldn't be come into confirmation journal.

However, you can cancel the total quantity or any remaining quantity on an order, provided that the quantity hasn’t been received or invoiced.

The problem here is, the purchase confirmation journal doesn't inserts record into purchparmline table and the posted/confirmed purchase lines are displayed using the view PurchLineArchivedVersions.

At the time of posting the purchase order confirmation, we can restrict the canceled line by adding a condition purchLine.purchStatus != PurchStatus::Canceled to query when selecting the lines for confirmation journal posting. This condition skips processing the canceled lines on confirmation posting.

Also, the line needs to skipped while processing the total amount of the purchase order confirmation.
PurchTotals_Trans is the exact class where the query needs to added to skip the canceled line on calculating the total amount.

Also, setting up range on the query used on views PurchLineArchivedVersions hides the canceled line after the confirmation posted.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Finding MainAccountId from LedgerDimension record Id in Dynamics 365 FO.

There is a easy way to find or getting the main account number separated from LedgerDimension (RecId).

Main Account table holds the method findByLedgerDimension, by passing ledgerdimensionRecId will return the MainAccountTable. This method is available in AX 2012 as well.

public static MainAccount findByLedgerDimension(
    LedgerDimensionAccount  _ledgerDimension,
    boolean                 _forupdate = false,
    ConcurrencyModel        _concurrencyModel = ConcurrencyModel::Auto)
    MainAccount                         mainAccount;
    DimensionAttributeValueCombination  ledgerDimension;

    if (_forupdate  && _concurrencyModel != ConcurrencyModel::Auto)

    // Assumes that the main account is properly denormalized on the ledger dimension to avoid joining to the level value
    select firstonly * from mainAccount
        exists join ledgerDimension where
            ledgerDimension.MainAccount == mainAccount.RecId &&
            ledgerDimension.RecId == _ledgerDimension;

    return mainAccount;

Calculate ledger balance by dimension set in X++ in AX2012/Dynamics 365 FO

There are a variety of ways users can view balances in the general ledger. Some of the most common options are: 1. Trial balance 2. Financia...